March 2022: Debbie Innes – Addison Partners

March 2022: Debbie Innes - Addison Partners -
  • Tell us about Addison Partners: what services do you offer, how can you help businesses in Port Stephens

    Addison Partners is an accounting firm providing tax, accounting, superannuation and advisory services however we do so much more! I run our Human Resource Consulting Division.

We support small to medium businesses to work with their employees to reach their goals. We offer personalised assistance with everything from recruitment to termination including award interpretation, payroll, employment agreements, performance management and termination advice.

You will be our guest speaker for our first Business Breakfast of 2022 speaking on what have we learnt about our employees from the pandemic. In a nutshell, what are the main things you have learnt? The last 2 years has been a roller coaster ride for us all! For me, I’ve learnt how resilient my team are when times get tough, how they grouped together to learn all about every new covid support available. I’ve loved the way they have shown such care and compassion for our clients. Although we’ve seen the best of our team, unfortunately some of my clients have seen the worst from some of their employees. I’ve learnt that even though I’ve been in HR for a long time, I still haven’t heard or seen it all just yet!!

What do you love about being part of the business community in Port Stephens and why did you choose to be a member of BPS? I love how the business community work together for the greater good of the area. BPS works really hard to achieve this and it’s always a really easy choice to renew our membership.

What’s your favourite thing to do during down time? My teenagers keep me pretty busy running them around to their part time jobs and sporting commitments.  I’m also learning to meditate with Kim at The Breathing Space Port Stephens (which I’m absolutely loving much to my teenagers’ amusement!). I also enjoy trying to get control of my garden after all this rain.

Shout out your favourite local restaurant, café: My favourite restaurant by far is The Poyer’s – Ludo, Mandy and their team do an fantastic job and the food is always amazing.Contact Debbie on

Debbie Innes

T 02 4995 7300
F 02 4992 3017