
Council resolved to extend the road pavement from Yacaaba Street, through 106 and 108 Magnus Street, to join to the existing roundabout on Victoria Parade with funding for the works approved in the 2017/18 budget. The project is outlined in Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan and funding was allocated by Council at a cost of $1.5m.

The extension will improve the traffic and pedestrian flow from the Nelson Bay CBD to the waterfront. The direction of travel for vehicles will be one-way north only, while pedestrians will enjoy a wide pavement with an open space area and landscaping.

The first step of the project was the demolition of a building at 106 Magnus Street. The building was occupied by The Tomaree Business Chamber, which has now relocated to Destination Port Stephens. The Dolphin House Korean Restaurant and Artisans Collective also vacated the building before demolition. Further works were then on hold to ensure the tourism economy was not impacted during the busy holiday period.